Wuyi Shengbu Sports Fitness Co., Ltd
Address:No.38,Development Rd,Wuyi 321200,Jinhua,Zhejiang,China.
Foreign trade: 0086-0579-87615399
Different speeds for different groups
1, if you just want to take care, proposed 4 km/h to a speed of 6 km/h, walking is generally more suitable for movement after the relaxation exercises or movement ofpregnant women.
2, 6 km/h to a speed of 8 km/h for fast walking people, this speed is best for those who do not like running friend, or just sweating but not too tired "lazy bones". And the speed is more suitable for people with poor exercise capacity than jogging for vital capacity increase has better effect.
3, 8 km/h above speed is suitable for regular exercise groups, for people who are inurgent need of fat, preferably in aerobic exercise at this speed. To note is that if thecondition is not suitable for people of high intensity exercise, do not select the running speed, on doctor's orders, or exercise under coach recommendations.
Heart visual embodiment of meaning
Heart rate is running must always pay attention to a data, this data can be directly reflects your state of motion and can achieve results.
1, the best range of heart rate aerobic exercises have a formula: (220-age) x60%/80%. For example, you are 20 years old, so the heart beats 120 to 160 beats per minute is your best heart rate fluctuations. That is, you keep running this range, is most conducive to fat burning and cardio-vascular system.
2, running, remember not to let your heart rate exceeds your maximum heart rate:220-age. If exceeded, please slow down, let the rhythm of heart rate back to normal state, so as to avoid accidents.
Tel:0086-579-87680788 Fax:0086-579-87680789 E-mail:manager@shengbusport.com
ADD:No.38,Development Rd,Wuyi,Zhejiang,China